Welcome to the WLSFA Blog
This Blog is designed to promote conversation between members of the Bariatric WLS Community, including patients, medical professionals, and bariatric products and services providers. Your thoughts and experiences are valuable to others trying to live their WLS Lifestyle and Journey. Click on the Log In / Sign Up button so that you can begin commenting and sharing with our authors and readers.
Rocky in a Fat Suit
WLS vs A WLS Lifestyle
Hello, My Name is Bill, I am an Obese Person.
Meet Laura Van Tuyl - CEO of the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America
A Servants Heart
Living My Best Life
Meet Sandi Henderson
No Going Back
Consistency Is the Key to Change
Healing Through Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy
It Was Never Enough...
Being Complacent Doesn’t Support My Healthy Lifestyle
How Did You Do It?
Do I Wish I’d Have had WLS Earlier in Life?
“Am I the same person I was before I lost weight?”